This year's federal budget must focus on the long-term prosperity of our nation. While the government has made it clear that the current levels of debt and deficit are unsustainable, climbing back into the black must not come at the cost of essential investments in our future, the benefits of which won't be seen in the short term. It is essential for the government to invest in infrastructure, health and education.
Greater economic diversification and boosting productivity will be critical as our economy shifts from the mining boom. This shift will not be a seamless one and many of the challenges confronting us require long-term solutions. We need to remain competitive globally into the future and this year's federal budget presents an opportunity to rise to that challenge.
2014-15 Federal Budget Overview
Budget Strategy and outlook 2014-15 Paper No. 1
Budget Measure 2014-15 Paper No. 2
Budget Federal Financial Relations 2014-15 Paper No.3
Budget Agency Resourcing 2014-15 Paper No.4